Article for Round Up November 2016

Welcome to the club news.

Les had to take a trip to Melbourne during September so rather than close we had Milton call for us. Thank you Milton for stepping in. Also on the way back from Melbourne Les called into Acey Squares at Naracoorte. Thank you to Alan & Chris for the hospitality.

September 27 was our charity night. Attendance was not as we had hoped for, however the committee decided to donate $300 to our charity of choice. This year the charity is Brain Aneurism Support Association (BASA). We chose BASA after we saw the booth at the National Convention run by Maya Cremers, a square dancer from Victoria. We also read a flyer picked up from the booth and were horrified at the statistics around brain aneurism and the fact that every night whilst we dance at the club several people in Australia are diagnosed with this potential life threatening condition.

Our AGM is coming please see advertisement for details. We have several casual vacancies on the committee so please give some consideration to helping run the club. It does not take a lot of extra time outside of club nights so please see Les, Anne, Eddie or Rosalie if you are not sure.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 2nd March 2025