Les Tulloch Caller and Cuer History

Les began dancing in 1983, and in 1986 took the opportunity to call at an amateur callers night and has been calling squares & cueing rounds regularly ever since.

In 1988 Les was invited to call fortnightly at a square dance group known as Latham Square Dancers. Then in 1989 Les was asked to call weekly for a group known as the Early Planning for Retirement Group (EPRG) and continued to call for this group until moving from Melbourne to Adelaide in 1995.

In 1992 whilst attending the SA State Convention Les met Anne and in 1994 they were married. In 1995 they started the Sunset Twirlers Dance Club dancing both Mainstream Squares and Rounds up to phase 6.

Outside of square & round dancing Les is a qualified Civil Engineer and is currently the Team Leader Procurement Services with the City of Onkaparinga the biggest metropolitan council in Adelaide. Les and his team manage contracts & tenders for works up to approx. $50 million per annum.

Les has attended called and cued at numerous major functions including International, National & State Square Conventions and International & State Round Dance Festivals. Les has also programmed various functions including 1998 National (Squares), Secretary for the 1998 Callerlab Minilab, 2007 National (Rounds), numerous state conventions and convened and programmed the 2002 & 2004 SA Round Dance Festivals and is currently Program Manager/Round Dance Liaison for the 2015 National Convention.

Les is an accredited member of various organisations. Internationally Callerlab (Square Dance Callers) and Roundalab (Round Dance Teachers). Along with Anne, is currently chair of the Roundalab Phase 1 & 2 Standards Committee and members of the phase 3 and phase 4 standards committees. As an international committee chair Les & Anne are also members of the Roundalab Strategy & Policy committee. Nationally Les is a member of the Australian Callers Federation, Australian Round Dance Association (currently Treasurer). State-wide Les is a member of the SA Callers Association (currently Secretary/Treasurer), SA Round Dance Association (currently Publicity Officer) and the SA Square Dance Society (Currently SACA Representative).

For Round Dancing, Les & Anne have also choreographed & presented dances and conducted teach sessions at all of the major functions mentioned.

Les has also received the Callerlab Quarter Century Award (2011), Australian Callers Federation Silver Microphone Award (2013), Australian Round Dance Association 25 year membership certificate (2014) and along with Anne are Life Members of the SA Round Dance Association (2006), in recognition of many years of service to square and round dancing.

Last updated 2nd March 2025