Anne Tulloch Cuer History

Anne began dancing in 1991 by attending a learner’s class conducted by the South Australian Square Dance Society. Following graduation she danced regularly at Adelaide Outlaws & Westside Squares.

Anne also commenced round dancing at that time, dancing at various clubs including Hounds Rounds, T & T Rounds and Rainbow Rhythm Rounds.

In 1992 Anne met Les at the SA State Convention and they were married in 1994. In 1995 they started the Sunset Twirlers Dance Club dancing both Mainstream Squares and Rounds up to phase 6.

Anne began cueing round dancing in 1999 and had her first cue at a major function at the 25th SA State Square Dance Convention and has been cueing regularly ever since. Anne has attended and cued at numerous functions including Australian National Conventions, SA State Conventions and Round Dance Festivals in SA, Victoria and New Zealand. Anne & Les have also presented both Showcase and Experimental Round Dances and conducted Round Dance Workshops at all of the above functions as well as round dance teaching sessions at ARDA seminars and have choreographed and presented at several dances at round dance festivals.

Anne is actively involved in various associations. Internationally is a member of Roundalab (Round Dance Teachers) and along with Les is currently chair of the phase 1 & 2 standards committee, members of the phase 3 and phase 4 standards committees. Also as an international standard committee chair along with Les is a member of the Roundalab Strategy & Policy Committee. Nationally Anne is a member of the Australian Round Dance Association. State-wide Anne is a member of the SA Square Dance Society (currently Secretary) and the SA Round Dance Association (currently Vice President). Anne was also the convenor of the 39th SA State Square Dance Convention (2014).

Anne has received numerous awards including Roundalab for 15 years of round dance teaching (2010), Australian Round Dance Association certifying 15 years membership (2014) and Life Membership of the SA Round Dance Association (2006) recognizing many years of service to both square and round dancing.

Last updated 2nd March 2025