Article for Round Up December 2016

Welcome to the club news.

Just an update on the charity dance held in September. As reported last month we made a donation to Brain Aneurism Support Association (BASA). We had a response from Maya Cremers thanking us for our donation and that our donation now means they have raised $5,060.00 which is half way to the target level needed. So we are proud to have made a difference.

Our AGM was in November and at the time of writing we had received the following nominations - Eddie Lee President and Diana Lawson Secretary. Thank you to Eddie & Diana for your nominations.

In November we also had our Halloween Dance. Once again Les & Milton did singing calls to the theme. The dimming of the lights added superbly to the murky atmosphere. Lots of people dressed up with the usual number of witches, Jack the Ripper, Dracula, a Gypsy, a Lady Devil, a Ghoul and an absolutely disgusting supper. Thank you all those who did dress up.

We also had a surprise visit from Sylvia from Numurkah near Shepparton in Victoria. Also thanks to Sylvia for giving us a call.

Looking forward to our Christmas dance, dinner and entertainment see advertisement for more details.

To all our members and dancers have a happy joyous festive season and look forward to your continued support.

Last updated 4th February 2025