Article for Round Up March 2021

Hi everyone, hope you are all enjoying your dancing. Last month we mentioned looking forward to a more consistent year. Well fate has intervened again fortunately not due to COVID 19. We missed a week of Square Dancing due to the hall floor being resurfaced. It was supposed to be done in between dances but at the last minute we were informed by hall management that it needed another week. The upshot is the new surface is fantastic for dancing.

We were all sad to hear the news that Dianne had passed away. Dianne started square dancing with us attending a learners class in 2011. That is when she met Peter Stavast. Our sincere condolences go to Peter and Dianne’s family.

Our Down Under Ball was the first event of the year. Thank you to all dancers who dressed the theme. Thank you to Anne, Rose & Margaret for organising the supper which was party pies, marble cake and vegemite sandwiches and Wayne for bringing a big Australian Flag. Les performed all Australian singing calls.

Plans are currently underway for our 25th/26th Birthday Dance. The plans include the usual dinner (COVID Permitting). Please see our advertisement for more details.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

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Last updated 2nd March 2025