Article for Round Up February 2021

Hi everyone, Happy New Year and welcome back to what we hope is a more consistent year of dancing than 2020. At the time of writing we have not yet had a night of square dancing.

We were all sad to hear the news that Eddie Lee passed away. Unfortunately the news came to us after the funeral so we were not ableĀ to send a representative. Eddie and Rosalie started dancing with us when we were still dancing at Marion (so in excess of 12 years) with most of those years serving on our committee, Eddie as both President and Vice President. They were instrumental in setting up our incorporation and club committee. Our sincere condolences go to Rosalie and your family.

One of the casualties of the COVID shutdown in November was the inability to hold the Club AGM. We are working towards getting memberships renewed and holding the meeting early this year.

Our Christmas break up was definitely the highlight in what was a difficult year.

We had our usual Christmas dinner (chicken and vegetables) with approximately 35 dinners served. Dessert was a delicious slice of Iced Christmas cake individually wrapped to meet COVID 19 restrictions. This was all followed by dancing with Les performing all Christmas songs.

We are looking forward to moving ahead by completing our current learners class. We are also planning a Plus class (more details to follow in comingĀ months)

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

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Last updated 3rd December 2024