Article for Round Up March 2020

Our numbers remain steady with 4 sets dancing most nights so far this year (including the Down Under Ball). Good to see our learners enthusiastically participating in the special nights. Their progress continues and will be commencing their first mainstream moves shortly.

Our first special night of the year was our Down Under Ball. Great to see nearly everyone dressing the theme of Red, White, Blue, Gold or Green. Les performed Australian songs for the singing calls. Supper consisted of pie floaters (party pie in homemade pea soup) and lamingtons which were absolutely delicious. Thank you to Rose for making the soup and getting the pies, Anne for getting the lamingtons and for coordinating the kitchen, Margaret helped in the kitchen as well.

Les, Anne, Rose and possibly Maarty will be travelling to the Blue Mountains to attend the National Convention meaning we will be closed for 2 weeks. See our advertisement or visit our website or the SASDS website for dates.
Plans are well underway for our 25th Birthday. Of course the theme will be silver. The format will be similar to recent years (order as you go dinner). We will be entertained by our featured caller David Todd (NSW) who called for our 21st Birthday only this time we will be joined by his wife Rosalind who edits the National review. Should be a great time. Please see our advertisement for more details

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

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Last updated 4th February 2025