Article for Round Up February 2020

Our learners class continues to make good progress through the program. Numbers currently remain steady with twelve dancers.

In November we held our Annual General Meeting. The election for President resulted in Rose Wood being elected. Congratulations Rose. Thank you to Eddie Lee for several years service as President. There were no other nominations but since the meeting Margaret Dunstone has volunteered as a committee member. Ingrid Cottrell continues as Vice President and Rosalie Lee as Treasurer.

Our Christmas dance was a tremendous success. We ordered 35 dinners and had to send out for more. Thank you to Eddie Lee who once again handled the ordering of the dinners, Rosalie Lee for making the delicious puddings for dessert and Beverley, Dennis, Wayne, Pam, Gary, Sally, Trevor, Anne, Rose, Brian, Judy and Ingrid who all helped on the night with either setting up, decorating or helping in the kitchen. Rose gave a speech, thanked Eddie and Rosalie and presented them with a card and gift recognising their service. We also had a visit from a guide dog in training.

It is great to welcome everybody back for the new year. At time of writing we have only had one week back but numbers have been good so looking forward to a great year ahead completing our 25th year.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les 

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Last updated 2nd March 2025