We were all saddened to hear of the passing of Zaree Sullivan from Paddlesteamer Squares. Zaree was a regular visitor to our club in particular the Christmas break ups and birthdays and special nights, we will miss you.
Les will be travelling to Melbourne for a week to visit his mum en-route to call at the Tasmanian Square Dance Society Dance in Hobart.
John Casey has agreed to call rather than close the club on 18th September. Thank you John in advance for your help.
Our charity night is on 25 September (please see advertisement for details) . The charity is the Lions Hearing Dog Centre in Hahndorf. Check out the ad for some amazing details on exactly what it takes to train a hearing dog and also the benefits to both the people and the dogs themselves. The centre also runs open days, Anne and I have been to one and it is a wonderful experience if you can spare a few hours.
At the time of writing we are on the eve of our next learners class starting (see advertisement below). We are keeping the class open for 6 weeks so it is not too late to start. If you know of any friends who would like to learn bring them along.
Happy dancing from Anne & Les