Article for Round Up October 2024

Hi everybody , we are sorry for missing quite a few editions of the Round Up, things just got hectic. We have just realised it was April was our last news so a lot has happened. Firstly our 29th Birthday in May was well attended. We had most of our learners there who all danced very well. We had good numbersĀ for the rest of the afternoon followed by dinner once again very well catered by Anthony, thank you to all who attended and made it a great afternoon.

Our learners class are still going strong with very few drop puts. They have managed to complete SSD program and are now well into learning mainstream.

We have had several special nights being July our American Night with a visit once again from Superman & the Statue of Liberty. September we had Fathers Day with complimentary Irish Cream to drink. Thank you to those who brought supper to share on both nights.

Illnesses and injuries have taken their toll on our numbers recently especially Plus, but we manage to continue. Unfortunately Anne had a fall and broke a bone in her shoulder and was out of action for several weeks. She is on the mend and has commenced dancing again. Alison spent some time in hospital and it is good to see her back.

We were all saddened to hear of the passing of long standing club member & friend Brian Visser. Condolences go to Judy and her family.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

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Last updated 2nd March 2025