Article for Round Up October 2017

Last month we mentioned about Harvey Wood suffering a stroke, well latest news heĀ is back in an Adelaide hospital under going further treatment. Once again we wish Harvey all the best for a speedy recovery.

Wayne and Pam have been travelling again and Anne & Les travelled to Melbourne to go to the Victorian Round Dance Festival. Some good dances for all our Round Dancers at all levels.

Some time ago after receiving several enquiries we decided to start a plus class. It was a bit of a risk in particular if we were to continue at the Port Noarlunga Arts Centre due to hall hire cost. Well that risk has paid off and we commenced on 14 September with two sets. Our second night saw 10 couples with more to come yet. So thank you to everyone one for your support in getting this class off the ground.

Our special night for October is Halloween so dress the part (see advertisement for details).

Just a reminder that in November we are holding our AGM (again see ad). So please consider helping out and go on the committee. This year we need a Vice President, Treasurer and 2 committee members. Thank you to Eddie, Rosalie and Margaret. for your work in those positions, Les, Anne & Diana & Eddie stay on the committee for a further term so thank you and we look forward to your continued work.

Happy dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 2nd March 2025