Welcome to the club news.
Happy New Year we hope you all had a joyous festive season. At the time of writing we have not yet had a square dance so the news will be brief.
Our Christmas break up and dinner was a great success with over 50 dinners ordered. The meals were ordered from the same chicken shop as last year so why is this significant? Because the previous 3 years each time the shop has gone out of business so we are glad for this year the curse has been broken.
Thank you to Eddie & Rosalie for organizing the dinners and to Peter Stavast for organizing the drinks and desserts.
We also had a visit from Santa. Thank you also to Ian Fowler, Greg Megow and Gary Welsh who entertained with a trio of Australian sing a long songs including an Australian version of jingle bells.
Below is a picture from our Christmas Dance.
Looking forward to celebrating 21 years of dancing this year with our birthday in May.

Sunset Twirlers Christmas Break Up 8th December 2015