Article for Round Up February 2016

Welcome to the club news.

Happy New Year we hope you all had a joyous festive season. At the time of writing we have not yet had a square dance so the news will be brief.

Our Christmas break up and dinner was a great success with over 50 dinners ordered. The meals were ordered from the same chicken shop as last year so why is this significant? Because the previous 3 years each time the shop has gone out of business so we are glad for this year the curse has been broken.                

Thank you to Eddie & Rosalie for organizing the dinners and to Peter Stavast for organizing the drinks and desserts.

We also had a visit from Santa. Thank you also to Ian Fowler, Greg Megow and Gary Welsh who entertained with a trio of Australian sing a long songs including an Australian version of jingle bells.

Below is a picture from our Christmas Dance.

Looking forward to celebrating 21 years of dancing this year with our birthday in May.


Sunset Twirlers Christmas Break Up 8th December 2015

Last updated 2nd March 2025