Article for Round Up February 2012

Welcome back to all our dancers. We hope that you all had an enjoyable break.

Looking back on 2011 and it was a great year for the club. The success of the learners class was a big factor, we have actually increased our numbers. We now have 20 members who are also members of the SASDS and this is an all time high for us. We now have two members who are on the executive of the SASDS (Carl & Karen) and are working towards appointment of a club representative.

The last event for 2011 was our Christmas dinner/break up (photos here). Thank you to Eddie for organizing the chicken dinners (47 were consumed), to Malcolm for making the puddings to Greg & Brenda for bringing decorations and Santa for his most entertaining visit ever. There were numerous others who came early and helped put up the decorations, sorry I cannot recall exactly who, you will know who you are. Les & Milton called only Christmas tunes and can you believe what callers tell you, Grandma got run over by a reindeer, Bradley the brown nosed reindeer could not stop, Santa needed six white kangaroos to complete his run, Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be   and Mary’s boy child was born on Christmas day. Virginia had us all stumped with the Christmas Carols acronyms quiz (no one got 100%).

At time of writing we have had only 1 club night for 2012. To commemorate opening night Les performed tunes from films or musicals.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les 

Last updated 28th September 2024