Article for Round Up December 2014

Hi everybody welcome to the club news.

Apologies again as in the news for November we forgot to mention that we had a visit from Rew & Sally of Kiwilers club in Perth WA it was great to see them again.

November was of course our Melbourne Cup Night. Good to see many dressing up for the theme men wearing a tie or a bow tie, ladies wearing a fascinator. Congratulations to the sweep winners Dianna and Jacqueline and thank you to Peter Stavast for organizing the sweep and the decorations.

This time of the year is always special for the club as we graduate our learners class. Which is to held prior to our Christmas break up. Congratulations and welcome to the club to all our graduates.

We would like to thank all our members for your support during the year and hope you all have a joyous festive season. Look forward to seeing you all back in 2015.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 2nd March 2025