Article for Round Up March 2025
Doesn’t time fly when you're having fun. Just over one month into the new year and already we have had two special nights. Although this is due to the two calendar events triggering those nights to be only 2 weeks apart Australia Day & Valentines Day.
Thank you to all who dressed to the theme and for the lovely suppers. There was no shortage of singing call tunes available for Les to call on both nights.
All this year we have been working on consolidation on some of the more complex mainstream movements with our new graduates.
We are looking forward to upcoming events in particular St Patrick’s Dance 18 March 2025 and especially our 30th Birthday which has now been changed to 31st May 2025 hope to see you there.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les Tulloch

Article for Round Up February 2025
Happy New Year everyone. We trust you all enjoyed your festive activities. At the time of writing we have only had one week of dancing. It was very pleasing to see nearly everyone back after the Christmas break. Our Christmas break up was a fantastic night starting with our usual dinner at Christies Beach Hotel followed by a dance with 3 sets back at the hall from 8pm. (see photos).
Last month we mentioned our new graduates, please see the photo below taken at their graduation night on 3 December 2024.
Congratulations to Les on his retirement from work on 10 January 2025. We celebrated with a dinner at the Christies Beach Hotel with 25 people in attendance (see photos). Thank you to Alison Graedt for organising both the dinners at Christies Beach Hotel.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les Tulloch

Welcome to Sunset Twirlers Graduates 3 December 2024 L to R Ian, Veronica, (Les & Anne), Terrie, Iris. Lynda & Karen

Les Tulloch’s Retirement from Work Friday 10 January 2025

Sunset Twirlers Christmas Break Up 10 December 2024
Article for Round Up December 2024
Our current Learners are nearing the end of their class. Having started in January 2024 they will be graduating mainstream on 3 December 2024.
Progress during this class has been very pleasing. Congratulations and welcome to our graduates who are Terri, Veronica, Karen, Iris, Lynda, Ian. We also had some existing mainstream dancers learning the left hand dancer role who were Linda, Alison & Liz.
On 29 October we had our Halloween Night. Might be more than a coincidence but we finally had a theme which dancers warmed to. The amount of dancers in theme dress was by far the most we have had in recent times. Thank you to those who did dress to the theme (see picture below). All singing calls performed by Les (the Executioner) were themed. We were also very pleased to welcome some international visitors that night as well, Pat & Brian (second from right) from Queens and Jacks Square Dance Club, Calgary, Alberta Canada.
Congratulations to Les Tulloch who was elected as President of the SA Square Dance Society. Anne was also appointed as Secretary for a further 12 months.
Anne & Les travelled to Mt Gambier to help Pine City Twirlers celebrate their 41st birthday. Congratulations on an outstanding achievement and what a great weekend of dancing to the calling of Graham Elliott, Les Tulloch & Peter Humphries (Vic). Although it was not so great for Anne who ended up with a bug and had to spend the whole weekend in bed.
Then on the first night back after Mt Gambier (5 November) a nice surprise we had a visit from Stephen from Kerrly Q’s club in Canberra ACT. Turned out that Stephen comes from Adelaide, grew up in Christies Beach so knew exactly where to come.
The Club resumes dancing Tuesday 7 January 2025 for Mainstream, Thursday 9 January 2025 for Plus, Sunday 12 January for Rounds, see you then.
We would like to wish all of our dancers a joyous festive season and happy new year.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les Tulloch

Article for Round Up October 2024
Hi everybody , we are sorry for missing quite a few editions of the Round Up, things just got hectic. We have just realised it was April was our last news so a lot has happened. Firstly our 29th Birthday in May was well attended. We had most of our learners there who all danced very well. We had good numbers for the rest of the afternoon followed by dinner once again very well catered by Anthony, thank you to all who attended and made it a great afternoon.
Our learners class are still going strong with very few drop puts. They have managed to complete SSD program and are now well into learning mainstream.
We have had several special nights being July our American Night with a visit once again from Superman & the Statue of Liberty. September we had Fathers Day with complimentary Irish Cream to drink. Thank you to those who brought supper to share on both nights.
Illnesses and injuries have taken their toll on our numbers recently especially Plus, but we manage to continue. Unfortunately Anne had a fall and broke a bone in her shoulder and was out of action for several weeks. She is on the mend and has commenced dancing again. Alison spent some time in hospital and it is good to see her back.
We were all saddened to hear of the passing of long standing club member & friend Brian Visser. Condolences go to Judy and her family.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up April 2024
Hi everybody, we are sorry for missing the March edition of the Round Up, things just got hectic with Anne & Les having to travel to Melbourne to finalise Les’s mums house for settlement. The good news is settlement has gone through and life can return to normal. Thank you everybody for your patience during the sudden club closures.
We have had a terrific start to our Learners class. We currently have 12 learners and it is a welcome boost to our numbers. We are sticking initially to the SSD plan but the goal is ultimately to reach Mainstream. With several free nights on offer we have now made it to week 4 of the plan and looking forward to moving on.
With Les’s & Anne’s sudden trip to Melbourne we delayed our Valentines Dance by a week Thank you for those who brought Supper supplemented by Pikelets Jam & Cream. Sorry for any inconvenience to those who turned up on the original night we did not have time to publish the change in the Round Up. We also had a visit from Murray & Scotty that week for plus. Thank you to Scotty for getting up & having a go at calling.
Plans are well under way for our 29th Birthday usual venue, usual program (except Learners Squares instead of Rounds) concluding with catered dinner. Dinner will be as usual order and pay at the time, see our advertisement for details. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up December 2023
Hi welcome to our club news, we hope you are all enjoying your dancing.
Things are now pretty much back to normal after Anne & Les had to travel to Melbourne in September for 3 weeks to go to the Victorian Round Dance festival and clean out Les’s Mum’s house ready for Settlement. We have had two special nights being Seaside Capers & Melbourne Cup. Thank you to all who dressed the part or brought supper to share.
Congratulations to Paddlesteamer Squares on your 15th Birthday. It was great to catch up with old friends at Pine City Twirler's 40th Birthday. Fortunately Anne & Les managed to avoid getting COVID.
We are planning our Christmas break up (see advertisement for details). Things will be different this year we are going to Christies Beach hotel for dinner first followed by a dance at the club hall from 8:00pm
We are also planning a new learners class commencing 16 January 2024 (see advertisement for more details). We are hoping for a good response.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up October 2023
Hi everybody, we are sorry for missing the last edition. Things are just so hectic with the sale of Les’s Mum’s house in Melbourne requiring vacant possession . So we are currently in a short 3 week recess whilst Les & Anne travel to Melbourne to clear out the house and also attend the Round Dance Festival. This has also been complicated by the passing of Les’s mother in August. Our condolences go to Les & Anne and their family.
Consequently we have postponed the start of our learners class which is now expected to commence early in 2024.
Les & Anne headed north to Elizabeth to attend Scoot Back Squares birthday. It was good to dance again to Trevor Hunt’s calling
Some of us travelled to Naracoorte to join in their birthday celebrations. Yet another great weekend of friendship, dancing and entertainment from Graham & Les.
Some of us also attended the state convention. Once again another a great weekend of fun, friendship & dancing. And what great job of calling from Matthew Mills very interesting & entertaining.
We are looking forward to getting back to normal by end of September.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up August 2023
Hi welcome to our club news and we trust everybody is enjoying their dancing.
Thank you to all those who dressed the theme for our American Night. We had a live statue of liberty and a visit from the man of steel Superman who could also call, who would of guessed (see pictures).
We welcomed back Gordon who went into hospital just prior to graduation and was unfortunately not able to graduate. He went back to hospital for open heart surgery on Tuesday 11 July, and news is the operation was successful, so we wish him a speedy recovery.
Due to personal reasons (Anne & Les) we are delaying the start of our learner’s class until October. For the same reason we are also delaying the Fathers Day dance will let you know when we have settled on dates and we will also be closed for 3 weeks see advertisement below. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. We look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 26 September 2023.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up July 2023
Hi welcome to our club news and we trust everybody is enjoying their dancing.
The big news for us at the moment is that we have relocated from Port Noarlunga to Christies Beach both Tuesdays (Mainstream) & Thursdays (Plus). It was an unfortunate but necessary decision. Dancer numbers post National Convention had dropped to levels we could no longer sustain ourselves at Port Noarlunga Arts Centre. After a two week trial we decided to stay at Noarlunga District Senior Citizens Club Christies Beach. Diary details have been updated. Thank you to all the dancers who helped with suggestions and enquiries with finding new venues.
With our birthday & the relocation behind us our focus now turns to organising our next learners class. We are planning to start in August more details to follow.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up June 2023
Hi welcome to our club news and we trust everybody is enjoying their dancing. Sorry for missing last month.
Thank you all who attended our 28th Birthday Dance on May 13. This was the first time we have had an afternoon birthday dance and we were very pleased with the result. We had several couples round dancing, 3 sets dancing plus and 5 sets dancing mainstream (with others sitting out). Thank you to Graham, Ian & Ros for calling and Terry, Shirley & Anne for cueing and keeping us entertained. Thank you to Iain and Margraret D for helping set up.
Congratulations to Heather, Charlotte & Sue who completed their learners last week and graduated receiving their certificates, badges and society welcome package at the birthday (See picture below). It was unfortunate we lost Charisse, Geoff and Gordon within weeks of graduation, however all have indicated a return in the future.
Once again the meal was fantastic and the cake as well. We received quite a few comments on the cake which was made by Anthony and was gluten and sugar free so everyone could enjoy. Thanks go to Anthony who we all agree does an excellent job of keeping us fed.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up April 2023
Hi everybody, we are sorry for missing the February edition of the Round Up, things just got too hectic.
Firstly congratulations to Jeff Seidel and Wild Frontier on 50 years of club calling & dancing. Anne & Les attended what was a wonderful and historic occasion.
That week at the club we welcomed Stuart, Bernadette and Ronnie from Mt Gambier and thanks to Bernadette for calling as well. We also welcomed Ivan & Janine Cooke that night although certainly not unexpected as they are club regulars for Sunday night Rounds now.
Our learners are now well into mainstream movements and we are preparing for their graduation which is expected to be just prior to our birthday dance.
Speaking of birthday we are planning an afternoon event, plenty of dancing followed by a catered dinner at Marion RSL. Dinner will be as usual order and pay at the time, see our advertisement for details.
At the time of writing we have had 2 special nights this year. January was our Down Under Ball, Thanks to those who dressed the theme or brought supper to share. February was of course Valentines night and we had a delicious pancake supper.
Looking forward to the National and to seeing you all at our birthday.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up December 2022
Hi everyone and welcome to our club news. Sorry we have missed a number of editions of the Round Up. Well where do we start because following Les’s stroke we did not dance at all in September. Unfortunately we have missed all our special nights including Seaside Capers in November due to Les’s kidney operation. We will keep you posted about when we can resume dancing again. Having said that plans are still underway for our Christmas break up. It will be the usual format with roast chicken dinner followed by dancing. With all the interruptions we have not yet been able to lock in the final arrangements such as price. On the few nights we have danced the numbers have been good with 3+ sets. Thank you to John Casey for coming up and helping with the calling for a few weeks during Les’s recovery. Now John is recovering himself following a stay in Mt Gambier hospital, let's hope it is a speedy recovery. Anne, Les, Brian, Judy and Liz all travelled to Mt Gambier to help celebrate their 39th birthday. It was yet another great weekend of dancing, friendship, food and calling, congratulations to Pine City Twirlers. Congratulations also to Kannella Squares on your birthday.
Let’s hope things are more stable in 2023 and thank you to everyone who has helped out over the past 2 months, it is great to have such loyal and dedicated dancers.
Seasons greetings from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up August 2022
Hi everyone and welcome to our club news. Sorry we have missed the last two editions of the Round Up. We thank you all for your patience and understanding as things may still be a bit uncertain over the next few months. We have missed a couple of special nights such as the Italian/Pizza and Winter Wonderland/Waffles. We intend to reschedule (especially the food) when things have settled down. Les will also need to travel to Melbourne at times, so we will let you know of any more interruptions to the schedule
Anne and Les travelled to Melbourne in June to attend the Victorian Round Dance Festival which we thoroughly enjoyed.
Times have also been difficult with the reduction in numbers recently due to COVID and holidays. We are pleased that numbers have increased closer to normal re- cently. Increased numbers have also helped the learners and we encourage the mainstream dancers to continue to come at 7pm and help.
In May we celebrated our 27th birthday. Like all other functions of late, numbers were lower than we had hoped. However the meal was good and those who attended seemed to enjoy themselves. Thank you dancers and Callers who attended.
Looking forward to Acey Squares birthday and the State Convention. Hope to see you all there.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les
Article for Round Up May 2022
Hi everyone and welcome to our club news. Well we now are moving into very interesting and challenging times. At times our numbers have been down and we have not had full attendance since we resumed in March. We do know some of it is due to COVID restrictions and being close contacts. Hopefully things will get easier as time goes by.
We managed to squeeze in a special night in March which was our back to school dance. Thank you for those who dressed the part and some interesting photographs reminding us of our younger days. Thanks to Anne for organising the supper which was pies, sausage rolls and fairy bread.
Learners class numbers have been varied for the same reasons as above but we are still making progress.Looking forward to our 27th Birthday please see our ad- vertisement in this issue. Hope you can come and help us celebrate.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les
Article for Round Up April 2022
Hi everyone at the time of writing we have had two weeks of dancing and no special nights to report on.
So far the dances have been well attended with only a few absences which were mainly not due to COVID. Our policy of being up to date vaccinated has been well accepted, however we did lose one couple from squares and one round dancer because of it. Thank you all for your cooperation especially the first night back when we were checking certificates.
Even more pleasing is all of our learners have returned including Geoff & Charisse who were not able to attend for several weeks at the end of last year. We now have ten learners and despite the long break have are making good progress since resuming.
Looking forward to our 27th Birthday please see our advertisement in this issue. Hope you can come and help us celebrate.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up March 2022
Hi everyone, well not much to report because at the time of writing we have not yet resumed square dancing. Rounds are back but squares are due to resume 1 March (Learners & Mainstream) and 3 March (Plus).
The committee have adopted a policy that you must be Up To Date Vaccinated against COVID to attend club dances and events. This means we need you to bring your certificate when you first attend You will of course only need to show us once unless there are further boosters recommended. This decision has been made in the interests of our Dancers well being and so far consultation has not indicated any objections.
We are looking forward to dancing again and in particular for your continued support of the club during these difficult times. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up February 2022
Hi everybody Happy New Year to all our dancers we hope you enjoyed your festive season. Whilst we have not been able to return to dancing as planned we certainly had a good end to 2021. Our final night last year was on 12 December being our Christmas Dinner and Break Up.
What a fantastic night of fun and friendship. We once again had our traditional Roast Chicken and Vegetables (37 meals ordered) We also welcomed Stuart, Bernadette and Ronnie from Mt Gambier. Thanks to Bernadette for calling as well. Les performed Christmas songs and we all left happy and certainly not expecting what was about to happen.
We also held our AGM, Whilst unable to elect a President, Vice President or Secretary, the following people were elected Iain as Treasurer with Wayne, Beryl & Margaret elected as committee who will now join Anne & Les in helping to manage the club.
We have decided in the interest of dancer safety that it will be mandatory to have had your Booster (or 3rd) COVID shot to attend the Club . So everyone will have time to get their booster we have delayed the return to dancing until 1 March (Mainstream) & 3 March (Plus). We will advise later on first night entry requirements. Tea, coffee and water will be supplied but you will need to bring your own mug and water bottle. We look forward to your continued support when we resume dancing.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up December 2021
Hi and welcome to our club news, we hope you are all enjoying your dancing.
Our learners class is going very well with two more new dancers joining us bringing the total number of learners to eleven. They must be enjoying themselves as everyone has now joined the Club as members.
Our new Plus dancers have done really well since joining the Plus group on Thursdays. We have now covered all the movements from standard applications, so now it is just a matter of consolidation.
We held our AGM on 16 November. Congratulations to the following on being elected Iain Neillson (Treasurer), Margaret Dunstone, Wayne Avion & Beryl Bishop as committee members. We are looking forward to you working with Anne & Les in managing the club. Rose Wood did not seek re-election as President so we thank Rose for her work as President for the past 2 years. Unfortunately no one was elected as President, Vice President or Secretary however if there are any volunteers please let us know.
We wish all our members a joyous festive season.
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up November 2021
Hi welcome to our club news, we hope you are all enjoying your dancing.
Our Plus class has concluded and we are pleased to welcome four new dancers to Thursday nights. They are now consolidating with the help of our experienced plus dancers.
We have now started a learners class and pleased to say the response has been good. So far we have welcomed nine new dancers and we know of more yet to come and still two weeks left to take in new people.
A number of us travelled to Victor Harbor to help Paddlesteamer Squares celebrate their 13th birthday. What a great afternoon of dancing thanks and congratulations for a wonderful time.
No special nights during October and we are planning for our AGM to be held in November. We are always looking for committee members to help. As always looking forward to our Christmas dance (see advertisement below for details).
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Article for Round Up October 2021
Hi welcome to our club news. Things have settled back in nicely following the COVID lockdown. People are getting used to having to wear masks in between dances. Unfortunately we did have a minor loss of numbers due to the requirement to wear masks.
Planning is all but complete now for our learners class which at the time of writing we are yet to commence. We are looking forward to welcoming new dancers into our wonderful activity.
With the commencement of our learners class we are reverting back to our normal Tuesday night program with learners 7 pm followed by Mainstream at 8pm. This means the dancers who were learning Plus will now be joining us on Thursday nights from 23 September. It was a quick fire class however we needed to find a balance between the need to maintain numbers both nights. We also welcomed Mark, Ros, Penny & Gail from Paddlesteamer Squares to our Plus dance on 16 September
Our special night for September was Fathers Day. Complimentary refreshments with chocolates were enjoyed by all. Les did some dad songs (unfortunately there are a limited number of them)
Happy Dancing from Anne & Les