Article for Round Up June 2016

Welcome to the club news.

What a night to remember our Rock and Roll 21stBirthday.

Our feature caller was David Todd from NSW who did an excellent job of keeping us all entertained throughout the afternoon and evening.

Dancing commenced in the afternoon with 4 sets dancing which was great. This was followed by a catered dinner. Estimates were approximately 40 people dining and once again a sensational job from the caterers.

7.30 saw the floor full for round dancing cued by Anne & Les. This was followed by square dancing with several sets dancing for the rest of the evening. Thank you to Graham, Jeff, John, Ian, Scotty and Milton for calling and helping us celebrate.

Thank you also to the following club members for helping set up - Eddie & Rosalie, James, Milton & Debbie & Bob

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Sunset Twirlers 21st Birthday 7th May 2016 

Last updated 2nd March 2025