Article for Round Up December 2013

Hi everybody - welcome to the club news.

At the time of writing we are fast approaching one of the most wonderful times in our activity in the graduation of a learners class. Congratulations to all our learners who are graduating. We have actually ordered 21 club badges however some of them are to replace lost badges from years gone by and some are actually experienced dancers and also some from our round dance class who started in 2012.

Attendances have been up in recent weeks in particular our Melbourne Cup Night at which we numbered 37 with some absences as well. Thank you to Peter Stavast and Greg Megow for organizing the sweep and to Greg once again for the decorations. Congratulations to our sweep winners.

Congratulations to Pine City Twirlers on their 30th Birthday. Les travelled there for Saturday Night to find a packed hall and lots of great calling and a chance to catch up with old friends.

Looking forward to our Christmas Dinner and dance, don’t forget to book your dinner don’t want any one to miss out.

We hope you have a joyous festive season and look forward to your company once again when we return in 2014. Opening night is a Movie theme see advertisement for details

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 2nd March 2025