Sunset Twirlers is a small friendly club which holds Tuesday and Thursday evening Square Dances and Sunday evening Round Dances weekly throughout the year (with a few exceptions). Check the calendar for full details including special events.
Square Dancing

Our Tuesday evening Square Dances are held at the Noarlunga District Senior Citizens Club, 9 Hunt Street Christies Beach.
We dance Mainstream from 7pm until 10pm. Our caller is Les Tulloch.
All Mainstream dancers are welcome to attend our Tuesday evening dances. The music is very varied and we'd be happy to see you.
We run a Plus dance on a Thursday evening - here are the details:
Thursdays weekly 8pm, Noarlunga District Senior Citizens Club, 9 Hunt Street Christies Beach. Caller is Les Tulloch.
Note: Closed on the last Thursday of the month.
Round Dancing
We dance at the Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre, cnr Diagonal and Sturt Roads (behind the Marion Council Offices). Click here to see a map.
Sunday 7pm to 10pm Phase 2 to 4 weekly
Email Les for more information, or call 0484 233 826
Find Out More
Square dancing is great fun for all ages, and good exercise for the brain as well as the body.
If you've never seen modern square dancing, have a look at some Youtube videos. You'll see how much people enjoy it.
Go to our links page or search for "Square Dancing" on the Internet
Contact us if you are interested in finding out more about Square Dancing or Round Dancing with our club.